SecuGen’s Optical vs. Semiconductor Fingerprint Sensors

SecuGen Sensors Semiconductor Sensors
Sensor Type Optical
(Patented SEIR method)
Semiconductor or Chip
Sensor Surface No special treatments or maintenance required Usually needs surface treatments, including ESD and other protective coatings

Coatings may be uneven, wear out over time, degrade performance, and shorten product lifetime

Overall Durability Scratch-proof, unbreakable glass platen made of material as hard as quartz

Resistant to shock, ESD, and extreme weather

Performs well in high traffic, outdoor or rough environments

Corrodes easily from repeated handling and everyday exposure

Susceptible to damage by electrostatic discharge

Thin silicon chips are inherently fragile and susceptible to damage by hard external impact and scratches

Imaging Area, Resolution, and Size Large imaging area

High 500 dpi resolution

Large image size

Usually smaller imaging area, image size, and resolution due to greater cost of manufacturing larger, high quality chips
Cost-Effectiveness Low manufacturing cost, long life, no maintenance required Consistent quality surface coatings may be expensive to produce

Replacement, maintenance, and downtime costs can add up